Kids Council Registration Kids Council Registration Step 1 of 4 25% Parent Name(Required) First Last Parent Phone(Required)Parent Email(Required) Onsite Emergency Contact Phone(Required)Emergency Name and Relationship to Child/Children(Required) What age groups are you registering? (Check all that apply)(Required) Nursery (ages 0-VPK) Kids Council (Kindergarden-5th Grade) Nursery Age Registration- Please push add entry for every child you are registering ages (0-VPK) Nursery Information- Please push "Add Entry" and fill out complete information for each child Child Name Birthdate Allergies? Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. 2024-25 school year Kindergarden-5th grade Registration- Please push add entry for every child you are registering in this age group Kids Council information- Please push "Add Entry" and fill out complete information for each child Child Name Birthdate Grade Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Approved Pick Up Names Please note- no one that is not listed will be permitted to pick up any children. We give full permission to Peninsular Florida Assemblies of God to reproduce any photograph and/or video image of student for promotional usage without obligation to the student.(Required) Agree Disagree Kids Council Ticket Price: $15.00 Nursery Ticket Price: $15.00 Total Credit Card(Required) Cardholder Name Card Details