Pastor Recommendation Form Step 1 of 3 33% Your Contact InformationFirst Name* Last Name* Phone*Email* Church* Church City* Applicants InformationName of the applicant* For the next 6 questions please indicate your assessment from 1-10. (1 = very weak, 10 = very strong)Commitment to Christ?*Commitment to Christ?10987654321N/ACommitment to Church?*Commitment to Church?10987654321N/ACommitment to their devotional life?*Commitment to their devotional life?10987654321N/ADo they exhibit strong leadership?*Do they exhibit strong leadership?10987654321N/ADo they maintain strong emotional maturity?*Do they maintain strong emotional maturity?10987654321N/AAt what level are they self-motivated?*At what level are they self-motivated?10987654321N/A Please answer the questions below to the best of your knowledgeIs there anything about their behavior that we should be aware of?* Is there any issues at home that we should be aware of?* Do they have any notable qualities or skills that you would like to mention?* Is there any other information that you feel we should know?* What is your overall recommendation level?*What is your overall recommendation level?HighestGoodAverageCautiousVery HesitantI do not recommendCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.