General Questions

What is Summer Camp?
  • Every summer we provide camps for kids (3rd-6th grade).
  • These summer camps provide a fun week to help students have a deep encounter with God.
  • This is a 4-night, all-inclusive camp that includes all meals, special guest communicators, premier worship, and tons of fun meeting students from all over the state of Florida.
  • Every morning and evening there is a service. 7 total services with a final send-off on Friday morning.
  • Every day there will be team competitions, free time, small group times, and snack shack time.
Who can attend summer camp?
  • Students entering 3rd – 6th grade (6th grade graduates can choose kids or youth camp)
  • Leaders: All leaders must be at least 17 years of age with an approved DCF Level 2 Live Scan Background Screen on file with the Masterpiece Garden Campground
  • Please visit the DCF Level 2 page for more info on background checks.

    Where is Summer Camp Located?
    • Masterpiece Gardens Family Conference Center
    • Address: 3900 Great Masterpiece Rd. Lake Wales FL 33898


    When does camp start and end?
    • Check-in starts at 10 am and closes at 12 noon on Monday.
    • Make sure that your group arrives before 12 noon. Arriving after this time will create complications for the entire schedule and your students may not get lunch.
    • Summer Camp starts at 12 noon on Monday.
    • Summer Camp ends at 1oam on Friday Morning.


    Is there Childcare?
    • There is no childcare at summer camp
    • For Kids Camp, we recommend not bringing children under age 7 to camp.
    Who are the guest speakers for each week?
    • Week 1  – Pastor Sydney Morrow
    • Week 2  – Pastor Sydney Morrow
    Who is leading worship at camp?
    • Week 1  – The Woods
    • Week 2  – The Woods
    Can I join the camp crew?

    Kids Camp

    What happens if my child gets hurt at camp?

    We pray that everyone at camp has a great experience and returns home without any injuries.

    Nurse Requirements

    • Our minimum requirement for all nurses is that they are certified in First Aid and CPR.
    • We strive to have a Registered Nurse with more thorough experience each week.
    • Typically, we have more than one nurse on the property for each week of camp and we have a head nurse that is advising all nurses for the entire year.

    Nurse Clinic Procedures

    • For minor issues, the onsite nurse is able to provide basic care and send the patient back to normal activities.
    • For medium-level incidents, the nurse reaches out to the group leader, camp director, and district leadership to inform them of the patient’s situation. The group leader will contact the student’s parents and allow them to make the final decision on the care provided. Occasionally, we may require the student to be sent home and the parents will need to come to get their child from the campground.
    • In an emergency situation, our licensed nurse responds very quickly, and we contact emergency personnel as the care may require.
    • In the most extreme cases, we may need to have the student transported to the hospital.
    • We also have a defibrillator on the property for the most severe situations.

    Hospital Visits

    • If an individual goes to the hospital, our primary focus is to get them the best possible care.
    • We will provide our camp insurance to the hospital.
    • Each patient will need to fill out their claim paperwork within 90 days of the incident.
    • We will provide this paperwork to each patient or the patient’s parents in an expedited timeframe after camp.
        How do I contact summer camp if I have a question?

        Registration Questions

        How do I register for camp?
        • Download the registration forms from the PF Kidswebsite or at this link. CAMP DOWNLOADS
        • Collect each camper and leader’s information. Do NOT send the forms in the mail!
        • You will be required to bring to camp all camper parental consent forms and the medication form for those who require regular medication.
        • You do NOT need all attendees’ information when reserving spots. However, information is required 2 weeks before attending camp.
        • All Leader’s information is required ASAP for us to verify their background checks. Please get this information to us 4 weeks out.
        Purchase Spots
        • Log into your camptrak account
        • If you do not have a camptrak account please email
        • One logged in push manage
        • Please ensure the right church is listed
        • Choose the camp you are registering- enter the amount of spots needed and enter credit card information
        • Once purchased under the finance tab you can see prior transactions
        • Please try your best to make one transaction for your entire group together.
        • Snack Cards  can be purchased online at
        Pricing for 2025
        • The Early Student Price is $280, and the Early Leader is $215
        • After the Early deadline, the Student Price is $300, and the Leader Price is $235.
        • The Early deposit is $50 per person and must be paid to reserve each bed space.
        • All prices are based on the time of the paid deposits.
        • Final online payments are due at least one week before the start of that week of camp.
        • The church may bring a check for the final payment with them. Any bounced checks will be required to pay a $100 fee.
        • Once spots are purchased, Fill in all the information for each student and leader into the CampTrak system.
        • The information should be entered no later than 2 weeks before camp starts.
        Background Checks
        • All staff must obtain a DCF Level 2 Live Scan Background Check.
        How do I access CampTrak?
        • Here is the website link.
        • If you have an account from a previous year, you should be able to log in with your account.
        • If you forgot your password, please use the Forgot my password option.
        • To request a leader account, contact and we can get an account set up for you.
        When do all the students and leaders needed to be placed into CampTrak?
        • Once you have a leader account for the CampTrak website, enter all students and leaders into the system as soon as you can.
        • Here is the website link.
        • Please make sure to enter all the student and leader information into the system no later than 2 week before camp starts.
        • Do not send your forms in the mail!
        • Please be advised that we need all parental consent forms and medication forms to be brought with you to camp check-in.
        • This system does not replace the DCF Level 2 screening. All leaders must have an approved background check before coming to camp.
        What forms must I bring to the camp check-in?
        • We need all parental consent forms and medication forms to be brought with you to camp check-in.
        What is the price for camp?

        Camp Prices 2025

        • Student Camper Early Price: $280 per person
        • Student Camper Regular Price: $300 per person
        • Staff/Leader Camper Early Price: $215 per person
        • Staff/Leader Camper Regular Price: $235 per person 
        • Shack Cards: $10 each
        • All registrants get a free t-shirt

        All prices are based on the time of the deposits.

        Final online payments are due at least one week before the start of that week of camp.

        If I paid deposits, when is the the final payment due?
          • All prices are based on the time of the paid deposits.
          • Your final payment is not required by the early deadline to still keep the Early Price. You can pay your final balance any time before attending camp.
          • Online payments are due at least one week before the start of that week of camp.
          • A check can be brought to camp, to satisfy your account. However, if the check is not written for the correct amount you will be charged on the spot for the difference.
          • Any bounced checks will incur a $100 processing fee and must be satisfied within 48 hours of the missed payment.
          When is the the full payment due?
          • Your account must be satisfied and paid in full before you are able to attend camp.
          • All prices are based on the time of the paid deposits.
          • Final online payments are due at least one week prior to the start of that week of camp.
          • We highly encourage you to pay your account online to reduce time at camp check-in
          • For Kids Camp: Pre-Order T-Shirts are $20 each. (due by July 1st).
          • Camp payments can be processed with a church check, but any bounced checks will incur a $100 processing fee and must be satisfied within 48 hours of the missed payment.
            How many Leaders is my group allowed to bring?
            • Every group should have at least one leader.
            • We recommend no more than 1 leader for every 5 students.
            Do I need to pre order a shirt or shack card?
            • Shirts will be included in each registration
            • We recommend purchasing snack cards early. Each card is $10.
            • The Snack Shack is a cashless transaction. Every person will need to purchase a shack card either way. These shack cards help us process transactions faster.
            • All purchases are non-refundable.
            If I am pregnant leader, how will I be able to attend camp?
            • If you are a pregnant leader wanting to attend camp, it is our suggestion that you consider staying off property at a hotel.
            • It is your responsibility to purchase your own hotel room off-campus
            • We love our community of Kids pastors, but the campground is not the best place for nursing mothers or heavily pregnant women to stay on property.
            When is the registration deadlines?
            • Week 1  – Early rate is due by May 12, 2025, Online registration closes May 23rd. 
            • Week 2  – Early rate is due by May 19, 2025 Online registration closes May 30, 2025
            What is included in the registration?

            On-Campus Tickets

            • Camp attendance
            • Camper insurance
            • 3 meals a day
            • All church services
            • All games and competitions
            • On-campus bed space
            • Tshirt
              What is NOT included in the registration?

              On-Campus Tickets

              • Food at the Snack Shack
              • Merchandise at the PFKids Booth
              Are there any extra expenses?
              • Shack Cards: $10 each.
              • Food in the snack shack will be available all week.
              • Merchandise will be available for purchase.
              What is the refund policy?
                • All deposits are non-refundable but are transferable to another individual from the same church.
                • If you need to drop spots, we will try to resell your spot. However, there is no guarantee. The deposit is non-refundable.

              Preparation Questions

              How do leaders get a DCF LEVEL 2 Background check?
              • All leaders must have this Background Check on file with the campground.
              • DCF can be a lengthy process. It usually takes 5-10 business days to process your fingerprints.
              • This process can take several weeks. Please begin this process with your leaders with sufficient time to gain approval from the Florida Department of Children and Family.
              • Please visit our DCF Level 2 page to have a step-by-step guide. Click Here
              • Follow the two main steps:
                • Register and attend your appointment with Fieldprint
                • Send in your MPG Screening and Privacy Forms. (without these forms you will not gain a confirmation)
              What should I bring with me?
              Bible, Notepad & Pen
              Recreational Clothes
              Gym shoes
              Sleeping bag or twin bed sheets, blanket, pillow
              Towels & Wash Cloths
              Soap, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Hairdryer
              Modest swimwear
              Spending money for snacks & camp store
              Water Bottle (refillable with name clearly marked)
              Sunscreen & Bug Spray
              Dirty Clothes Bag
                  Is there a dress code policy?

                  Yes, there is a dress code.

                  • Shoes must be worn at all times.
                  • No visible undergarments on guys or girls.
                  • Shorts must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee.
                  • No skirts or dresses shorter than 3 inches above the knee.
                  • No halter tops or spaghetti straps.
                  • No exposed bellies or low-cut shirts.
                  • Apparel may not promote alcohol, tobacco, or inappropriate or sexually suggestive language.
                  • Tattoos and body piercings must be unobtrusive and of non-controversial content. Some piercings may need to be removed and tattoos covered.
                  • You must be appropriately covered while walking to and from the pool area. Wear a towel, robe, whatever it takes…Cover up!
                      What are the camp rules?
                      • Campers must stay in their assigned dorm room.
                      • No hanging out in other dorm rooms, please.
                      • Campers are not allowed to stay in the dorm room for any reason during activities (if sick, go to First Aid).
                      • Only 1 camper per bunk.
                      • Only 1 camper per shower at a time.
                      • Keep dorm room picked up. Nothing should be blocking aisleways or doorways.
                      • Keep bathrooms picked up by wiping the sink after use and properly disposing of your trash.
                      • No food or drinks are allowed in the dorm rooms.
                      • Texting pictures from dorm rooms is prohibited.
                      • No excessive practical joking. Hazing and destruction of property will result in dismissal from the camp.
                      • Campers must stay in dorm rooms after lights out and must stay there until the wake-up call.
                      • Leaving the dorm after lights-out is grounds for dismissal.
                      • Zero tolerance for bullying. There is an immediate dismissal of students bullying other students.
                      • Clean up after yourself. Take your tray and trash to the designated areas.
                      • No saving places in the cafeteria line.
                      • Respectfully allow leaders to cut to the front of the line.
                      • No food or cafeteria items are to be taken from the cafeteria.
                      • Shoes must be worn at all times in the cafeteria.
                      • No wet clothing in the cafeteria.
                      • You must wear proper clothing and shoes to walk to and from the pool area.
                      • No excessive horseplay.
                      • You must shower before entering the pool.
                      • No food or drinks in the pool area.
                      • No pool access if covered in paint from the paint war. 
                      • Keep the Snack Shack area and surrounding outdoor area clean by properly disposing of trash.
                      • Campers must turn all medication in to the camp nurse during registration. First aid is accessible 24 hours a day.
                      • Campers are not allowed in the opposite gender’s dorm area.
                      • Campers must not enter wooded areas surrounding Masterpiece Gardens due to wildlife and quicksand dangers.
                      • Campers must not go near Lake Pierce due to the excessive gator population.
                      • No one is allowed on the dock at any time. (only exception is the PFYouth Staff and Leaders during the 4th of July Fireworks).
                      • No personal electronic devices are allowed! This includes iPods, MP3s, cameras, etc. Cell phones may be used in the parking lot during free time, but are otherwise off-limits.
                      • No one may leave the campgrounds at any time.
                      • Campers are not allowed to use leader vehicles.
                      • Campers are not allowed to ride on or drive golf carts. If caught on a cart, you will be subject to immediate dismissal.
                      • If you have a car parked on the property, you must turn in your keys to the camp dean for the entirety of the youth camp.
                      • Visitors are not allowed on the campgrounds.
                      • No public displays of affection beyond hand-holding.
                      • No fireworks, firearms, knives, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, Orby, Air-soft, paintball guns, improper reading materials, or pets will be allowed on the grounds.
                      • Campers must show respect for leaders, staff, and camp property.
                      • We reserve the right to inspect the contents of all personal belongings, locked or unlocked.
                      • During services and teaching times, no hoods (hoodies) are allowed to be worn.
                      • Profanity is not allowed.
                      • For the comfort of those around you, please observe habits of personal cleanliness. Take a daily shower!
                      • All leaders are authorized to maintain order anywhere on the grounds.
                      • Sneaking off with someone is grounds for dismissal.
                          Is there bedding provided at the camp?
                          There is NO bedding provided. Please make sure to bring a sleeping bag or twin bed sheets, blanket, and pillow.
                              How does transportation work?
                              • The district will not provide transportation.
                              • All groups purchasing a commuter ticket are responsible to provide transportation for their students and leaders.

                              Check-In Questions

                              When does onsite check-in start?
                              • Check-in begins at 10 am on Monday morning.
                              • All attendees must go through lice and temperature checks.
                              • Check-in closes at 12 noon on Monday.
                              • Please make sure that you are not late to check in or your group will cause a delay in our camp schedule and you will miss lunch for your entire group.


                              Where do we park for check-in?
                              • All vehicles need to come into the right gate and park in the cement parking lot.
                              • Do not park on the grass.


                              How will check-in work for Students?
                              • All students will need to line up at the main entrance of the Gym without their bags.
                              • All attendees must go through a lice and temperature check.
                              • Once they finish, they will need to wait for their leader to go through check-in.
                              • Afterward, the students can grab their bags and find their dorm beds.
                              • If the group is a commuter group, you will need to check in at the campground between 10-12 on Monday. There will be an allotted time available before and after dinner to take your students to the hotel.


                              How will check-in work for Leaders?
                              • Only leaders can come into the gym to register their students.
                              • This is where you will settle your financial account, check-in all attendees, and turn in the required forms.
                              • You must have the parental release form for all campers!
                              • Next, you will need to check in with the camp director to get room assignments and leader tags.
                              • Finally, you will need to provide the nurse with all medications and the medication forms.